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Weight Loss

Weight loss can be a long — and, sometimes, difficult — journey. But you don’t have to do it alone. Our weight loss specialists are here to share their wisdom on topics ranging from diet, exercise and body image to weight loss medications and procedures.

plant paradox farmers market vegetables
May 31, 2022/Weight Loss

Plant Paradox Diet: Does It Work for Weight Loss?

The much-hyped eating program focuses on eliminating lectins from your meals

Father and son cutting up fruit for the week
April 25, 2022/Nutrition

9 Foods To Help You Lose Weight

Add these foods to help you lose

Person exercising with weights in a living room
February 2, 2022/Weight Loss

How To Break That Frustrating Weight-Loss Plateau

An expert explains why they happen and how to get past them

A person sits at a table eating strawberries, oranges and fruit juice.
January 31, 2022/Weight Loss

What Is Mindful Eating?

Here’s what to know about this personalized, empowering way of looking at food


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diabetes and weight loss
January 24, 2022/Diabetes & Endocrinology

What You Should Know About Unexplained Weight Loss and Diabetes

It’s important to look out for early signs

Coffee in a clear glass with foam and a lemon on top
January 21, 2022/Weight Loss

Will Lemon Coffee Help You Lose Weight?

The answer to this is easy: No. Lemons do not have special fat-burning qualities

A doctor using a scalpel to cut into a patient who is undergoing surgery
January 4, 2022/Skin Care & Beauty

5 Ways To Fight Excess Skin After Bariatric Surgery

Body contouring can help trim excess skin

man on a diet eating salad
December 30, 2021/Weight Loss

Weight Loss: How to Reset Your Brain for Success

How a dieting mindset keeps the weight on

Two people wander through the wilderness using hiking sticks.
November 19, 2021/Weight Loss

Walking: Can It Help You Lose Weight?

Consider a walking program to drop pounds and take a step toward better fitness

Person in exercise clothes looking at their reflection in a mirror
October 5, 2021/Weight Loss

Is It Bad to Lose Weight Too Quickly?

Rapid weight loss can harm your health and lead to weight regain

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